- First check wheather your drivers support the feature. Open command prompt in Administrator mode and enter the following
netsh wlan show settings
If it says hostednetwork = enable or something similar you're ready to go. - Create a net hosted network by entering the following command
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=new_network_name key=new_network_password
This will create a wifi hosted network - Then go to the network and sharing center and go to adapter settings and choose your internet connection -> properties -> sharing and tick the share this network and seleted the newly created wifi network.
- Then turn on the hosted network by entering this in the command prompt
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
check with your wifi enabled device, you'll find the network is available
That's it, all done and enjoy!!!
This works not only for Android device, you can connect your laptop, your i-phone or any other wifi enabled device...